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Lapis Lazuli – A Rock of Ages

Gemmologists usually study minerals and organic gemstones.  There is a rock that is used for personal adornment and is considered a gemstone.   There is evidence that this beautiful blue rock had been traded between Afghanistan and Iraq as early as c. 4500 B.C.

Lapis Lazuli Scarab

Lapis Lazuli from The Fitzwilliam Museum

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Kyanite – A Polymorph with Differential Hardness

Gemmologists like kyanite, lapidaries do not!  It is a gemstones that appears on most Professional Gemmologist’s theory or practical exams.  Give an example of a gemstone that shows differential hardness?  Name a polymorph of andalusite and sillimanite?  Name a gemstone that has a bladed habit?  The answer to all those questions is kyanite!

Kyanite from Wikipedia by Aelwyn

Kyanite Photo by Aelwyn

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